I've nearly pushed my limit when it comes to changing Jackson's schedule around. We've stayed busy meeting up with friends from high school and work. Jack is such a people person that I knew he would be fine around my friends, but he was so cranky before totally crashing once it was just the two of us.
Wednesday afternoon I had two good friends from high school, Ellen and Laura, over for lunch. They said they'd be there at 1 pm, so I hopped in the shower. At 12:35 my best friend was standing in my bathroom saying, "I'm going to take Jackson downstairs". I cooked the rice and beef for our taco feast in my bathrobe with a towel around my head while the girls played with Jack. That's true friendship there! As always, it was nice to catch up with them.

The following day I met up with Ellen and her sister (and mother) for bridesmaid dress shopping! It is strange to think that I used to babysit her sister, and now she is a beautiful college freshman. I am so excited to be a part of Ellen's wedding, as she was the maid-of-honor in my wedding four years ago. After going to a few different places, we all fell in love with this short, figure-flattering dress at Belk's. The dress is a very cool material, which is perfect for her outdoor summer wedding. It also happened to be 40% off, which sealed the deal. It's a stretchy material so I bought a size up just in case I have an extra bump in June.
We also purchased simple, black sandals to go with the dress. I'm so glad everything went smoothly and we were able to accomplish everything in just a few hours. I just wheeled Jackson in the stroller with me to the dressing rooms, fed him while walking around the store, and put him in the Ergo at the shoe store.
Jackson and I made it home in perfect time for our last nap of the day, before heading uptown to have dinner with my former teammates. These women taught me everything I know about teaching, so I feel forever indebted to them. While we meet up for dinner every month, they hadn't seen Jackson since he was a couple months old. Since Jesse was closing tonight I had to bring Jackson. My old co-worker brought finger puppets to entertain Jack.
After dinner we walked along the uptown streets to admire the Christmas lights and decorated trees. Our school was within walking distance so we used to take field trips to the museums uptown. It was so nice to simply be together. (And yes, I made our waiter and a random stranger at Bank of America take our pictures.)
Jackson was sound asleep before I pulled out of the parking deck. Even though it was after 9 pm, he smoothly transitioned to the crib after getting in his pajamas.