
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Clingy 4 Month Old

I am still tired, but the fact that I am able to spend as much time as I want with my son over the next three days puts me in a better mood.  Here are the various things I neglected to mention yesterday in my previously overwhelmed state of mind:

I had the best dinner with my former 5th grade team last night!  The highlights of the evening included a shared bottle of wine and dessert sampler, and misadventures in the parking deck that resulted in hysterical laughter.  Seriously, we were laughing so hard tears were streaming down our faces and we were doubled over.  It's so nice to have amazing women to connect with.  This picture was taken when I was 38 weeks pregnant, but it's one of my favorites of us.

For the past two days, my sister, Christina, helped put my classroom together.  The limited storage space has proven to be a real challenge.  Organizing everything has been a very tedious process but Christina has kept me on track and her kids have been so helpful.  I'll show before and after pictures when I am happy with my classroom.

My milk supply is a mystery to me.  The first day at work I pumped exactly the same amount that Jackson drank.  The second day I pumped five ounces less than what Jackson drank.  Today I pumped two ounces more than he consumed.  It seems to be quite a guessing game.

Jackson's new thing is he must be held at all times.  When we lay him down he does a full crunch trying to lift himself up, and then gets pissed off when he falls back down.  Jesse has to Ergo him if he wants to get anything accomplished.  The amount of fussing has increased and Jackson seems exceptionally clingy with both of us.  I don't know if this is separation anxiety, his response to me going back to work, or him just wanting to sit up and look around.

Jackson and Cowbell are developing a friendship.  Cowbell has snuggled up next to him or even on top of him several times.  She will even let Jackson pull her tail or ears without flinching.  We're trying to work on gentle touches.  Jackson is so intrigued by her.

One of the ways Jackson has learned to pull himself up is by grabbing my hair.  Holy cow!  I'm not sure how I have any hair left after his death grip.  I made the mistake of leaning over to kiss him in his high chair and it took Jesse and I both to pry my hair from his hands.  Of course, Jesse felt the need to take a picture before coming to the rescue.

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