
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fashion Show

This totally conceited post is in memory of Mom, who always appreciated a good fashion show.  (Or she at least amused me!)

Until this weekend, I had very few work appropriate clothes that fit.  From January onward I've more or less worn solid colored t-shirts and yoga pants every single day.  The only thing I own that fits is dresses.  Unless I want to pump naked at school, these dresses aren't going to cut it.

After spending every penny of my $100 budget, I am the proud new owner of 2 dress pants, 4 shirts, 1 cardigan, and a new purse.  (The handles of my purse were literally hanging on by a few threads.)  Unfortunately I need to hem the pants.  I still plan to browse thrift stores for a few extra shirts.  I already have a few skirts and a pair of jeans to get me through the work week.


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