
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Open House and Hanging the Laundry

All along I've said that I will be okay so long as I am able to see Jackson when he wakes up and when he goes to bed.  I knew it was going to be a rough day when Jackson was still sleeping peacefully this morning when I left for work at 6:45 a.m.  I desperately needed his first morning smile to carry me through the day since I knew I would not be home until at least 6:30 pm.

Overall, it was an okay day.  There was one meeting after another and I was only able to pump twice during an eleven hour workday.  (I know, I know...NOT good for my supply.) 

After feeling on top of my teaching game the past few years, it was both humbling and discouraging to realize that I am a total wild card to my students and parents.  They neither trust nor know me.  It's so strange because I wanted to say, "I was hired because I know what I'm doing!"  The staff has a high turn-over rate and there are many inexperienced teachers.  I know it will take some time for me to earn everyone's trust in a new setting. 

Language proved to be a barrier.  I felt inadequate because my teammate is Puerto Rican so I kept having to redirect my Spanish speaking parents to her.  I also have a few refugees from Burma that do not know any English and we definitely don't have any Burmese translators available.  Regardless, I'm extremely impressed that so many parents attended.

Once home I knew I had a mere hour to interact with Jackson.  It was the best!  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him.

Jesse did a great job taking pictures today.  He even e-mailed me one of them at work.  Jackson enjoyed his time outside and even helped Jesse with the laundry. 

I am so thankful for pictures that make me laugh out loud, a huge turnout at Open House, a home cooked dinner waiting for me, a smiling baby, and a husband who takes great care of our house, our son, and me.

1 comment:

  1. OH my goodness, would you look at that baby???


    Good job on the pictures Jesse!
