
Sunday, October 9, 2011

10 Steps to Raising a Happy 6 Month Old

Step 1: Buy fun toys that roll to encourage crawling.  (So far Jackson just rolls over on his back and slides himself towards something he wants.)

Step 2: Teach Jackson how to gently pet the cat.  (He has NOT mastered this yet!)

Step 3: Remove the bassinet from the pack-n-play so Jackson has more room to play.  Include stimulating toys and/or animals for him to play with.

Step 4: Adjust the car seat straps to accomodate for a growing boy.

Step 5: Take time to nap together!

Step 6: Prepare homemade baby food.  (So far we have mashed avocados and bananas.)

Step 7: Feed Jackson baby food and clean his messy face and foul diapers!
Step 8: Begin using the 6-month pacifiers to encourage proper orthodontic care.  (He's not a fan of the new big boy paci.)
Step 9. Stop swaddling Jackson at night.  (This has made it challenging for Jackson to fall asleep, but he's adjusted fairly well the past two nights without a swaddle.) 

Step 10: Continue to love on, pray for, read to, play with, take pictures of, and cuddle with your family!

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