
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Formula Update

It's been a week now since we introduced formula.  Jackson loves it and all are happy.  My cycle has returned again and I have officially dried up.  I pumped twice on Thursday and got a quarter of an ounce.  I thought I would be upset, but honestly it's nice to have full control of my body again.  Don't get me wrong, I would still prefer nursing if I was successful and it satisfied my son but I'm really enjoying the stressfree feedings..

My only complaints are the expense, smell of poopy diapers, and amount of bottles to wash. 

Jackson and I are still able to cuddle and enjoy feeding sessions.  During the day Jesse gives him a 6-oz bottle around 8, 10, 1, 4, and 7:30.  (A 6-oz bottle is really 7 ounces once you add three scoops of formula.)  Jack generally wakes up once in the middle of the night and takes a 4 ounce bottle. He will continue to receive one 4-oz bottle of breastmilk until next week, when we deplete our frozen milk stash and he turns six months old.

I am awfully curious to see how much weight he's gained.  He is definitely eating a lot more than he was.  I also think he's starting to fill out again just in the last week.  His face is rounder and he's adding another chin.

His 6 month check is scheduled at a pediatrician's office on Monday, October 10.  Time will tell.

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