
Sunday, November 6, 2011


We were able to celebrate Halloween at school with Book Character Day.  Hands down, my favorite book character is Amelia Bedelia.  I got really excited the day before and found a perfect blue dress at Goodwill and apron from WalMart.  I had to get creative with scrapbooking materials for the hat.

Jesse had the day off so he and Jackson toured Charlotte and the surrounding areas.  They came to visit us at school during lunch and recess.  The kids LOVE seeing Jackson.  They were especially excited to see him dressed in his duck costume.
Jackson was so tired he actually fell asleep during recess.  Jesse took him home earlier so that they would still have time to go grocery shopping before heading off to visit MiMi and PaPa.  (Please note that Jesse's visitor pass says "Daddy and Ducky"!)

MiMi was delighted as always to love on her grandsons.  Levi made an adorable UPS man.  Jackson had a quick wardrobe change into his second Halloween costume, a dinosaur.  Jesse was able to briefly visit with his brother before they went trunk or treating.

Genius me scheduled four parent teacher conferences for Monday afternoon!  I was meeting with parents until 6 p.m.  Thankfully traffic wasn't too bad.  I literally called Jesse when I pulled into the neighborhood so he could have Jackson in the car already.  We immediately left for Gastonia to visit my family.

Jackson had his first trick-or-treating experience with my Aunt Jan and Uncle Dale.  He was really intrigued by the colorful candy and kept grabbing everything from their basket.  (Obviously he didn't eat any!)

The many cousins gathered together on the couch for the required photograph.  We binged on hotdogs, beans, and chips before beginning the candy swap.

Jackson's MeMe (my oldest sister) was thoughtful enough to buy him Gerber puffs since he couldn't feast on candy.  He had never eaten puffs before but they were a huge hit!

The festivities ended with my favorite Halloween tradition.  My entire family sits on the floor, dumps out their candy, and trades for the candy of their preference.

It was a very busy day visiting family and friends.  Jackson crashed in the car and slept peacefully the whole ride, then the rest of the night.

Happy Halloween, Jackson Lee!

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