
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Attractive Home Solutions on a Budget

An alternative title to this post could be "Ikea is Amazing".

Problem: The bathtub has become a slip and slide for Jack.
Solution:  We found this adorable bathmat at Ikea for $2.

Problem: Cowbell has a habit of clawing at the toilet paper from the top and unravelling the roll. 
Solution: We found these toilet paper holders for a mere $0.49!  We bought three and Jesse installed them in each of the bathrooms.

Problem: We have a bad habit of leaving dirty burp cloths and bibs strewn throughout the downstairs.
Solution: I found this hamper that hangs on the back of a door for $5.  I put it on the back of the laundry room/mud room door.

Problem: The plethora of Christmas toys needed a new home. 
Solution: I divided the enormous pile into 3 smaller piles.  I used white storage boxes we previously bought at Ikea and placed the toys in the living room, nursery, and bonus room.

Problem: Jackson can no longer use his bouncy seat or bumbo and it's a pain to move the bulky high chair around.  We spend a lot of time in the kitchen and Jack has no where to sit when we are cooking.
Solution.  We let a friend borrow the bouncy seat and bumbo until her son outgrows them.  We purchased a very light weight high chair at Ikea for $20 that fits perfectly at our kitchen counter and is something he can grow with.

Problem: Mr. Nibbles likes to eat the Christmas tree and vomit all over the carpet.  The Rug Doctor cleaner has done nothing to remove the stains.
Solution: A huge tub of the generic version of OxiClean cost $6 and is sure to be a lifetime supply.  It works wonders (as shown by the before and after) and has multiple uses .

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