
Sunday, December 18, 2011

McAdenville, Choir, and Playdate

Jackson and I enjoyed a busy weekend full of Christmas traditions and fun play.  On Saturday evening we met up with my some of my former youth group members at McAdenville.  We always meet at the Burger King across the street and walk.  We were supposed to meet around 5:30 but they got stuck in traffic and didn't arrive until 7:30!  It is next to impossible to entertain an 8 month old for two hours in a car/parking lot.  By the time they got there, Jackson was cranky and exhausted.  He was initially bright eyed taking in the various sights and sounds, but he quickly fell asleep.
My favorite spot looking out at the lake

All bundled up
Jackson and I made it home at the same time as Jesse just after 9:30.  The three of us don't get to spend as much time together as we'd so I especially like for us to share in the bedtime routine (even if it's two hours later).

I had signed up to make cupcakes for our church's Christmas Program.  One of my co-workers brought adorable strawberry santa hat cupcakes to our staff holdiay party last week, which I planned to copy.  I whipped up some red velvet cupcakes and decorated them first thing on Sunday morning. 

Jesse, Jackson, and I enjoyed our weekly pancake breakfast.  Jackson loves pancakes as much as we do.  Now that he has six teeth, he can really bite down and chew!

The choir did a great job praising God by singing the Christmas cantata this morning.  I forgot how much I enjoy singing in the choir.  Wednesday nights still don't work, but I hope I can particpate in Saturday practices for Easter. 

I rushed home from church just in time to get lunch ready for our playdate.  Several of my former coworkers and I were all pregnant together last year.  We've been trying to get together for a few weeks now but have had crazy schedules.  I made chicken salad (with grapes and pecans, of course) and pasta salad.  I also bought pimento cheese and croissants.  It was so nice to relax with other moms and love on adorable babies.  I really enjoyed hosting rather than going to someone else's house.  It was also a good excuse to clean our house.

The best part of the day was being able to be lazy after Jackson went to bed without having to worry about lesson plans or what all I have to do tomorrow.  I am so ready for two weeks without students!

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