
Sunday, December 25, 2011

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Jackson and I moved our ornament to the final spot in the Advent calendar.
Jesse had to work until 5:30, so we kept ourselves busy baking and doing crafts.  I wanted to make this mint serving tray I saw on Pinterest.  Jackson helped me sort the mints on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper.
It baked on 350 degrees for about 15 minutes.  (The directions said 8-10 but it took much longer for our mints to melt.)  Here is the finished product:

I went to work on making the red velvet cupcakes and cream cheese icing while Jackson napped in his crib.  The cupcakes looked very festive on the mint tray.
I had the diaper bag packed ready to go for when Jesse got home.  We quickly headed to church.  There was no nursery available for the Christmas Eve service, but Jackson did a great job.  Jesse and I passed him back and forth.  Jackson was ever curious during communion and the candlelighting. 

Our next stop was my sister's house for the annual Robinson Family Bingefest.  (Okay, nobody calls it that; but it would be an appropriate name.)  We enjoyed food and fellowship as always.

We have a long tradition of receiving Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve.  Once home, we gave Jackson his pj's.  He was excited for bedtime and looked adorable in them.

I really wanted to start the tradition of reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas" before bedtime, but I couldn't find my copy.  We did find "The Southern Night Before Christmas" so we read that instead.  Jesse and I were amused at the Dale Earnhardt and Krispy Kreme references.  Jackson was apathetic.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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