
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Conversations at Recess

Student: Ms. Robinson, do you have a car?
Me: Of course.  That's how I get to work.
Student: You could take the bus.
Me: Well, the bus doesn't stop where I live.
Student: Does Jesse have a car?
Me:  Yes.
Student: Y'all have two cars??  Whoa!  (sounding genuinely shocked)
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Student: Is anyone in your family in jail?
Me: No.
Student: Oh. (sounding disappointed)  Well, would you feel bad for them if they were?
Me: I don't know.  I guess it would depend on what they did to get in jail.
Student: Well my mommy couldn't pay her parole.  I feel bad for her.  I'm saving my money so I can pay it for her.
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Student: What are you doing this weekend, Ms. Robinson?
Me: I'm going to my niece's birthday party.  Do you have any plans this weekend?
Student: I get to spend the whole day with my daddy.  He promised me we could spend the day together since he took my DSI to the pawn shop.
Me: Why did he do that?
Student: He had to pay the bills.  He took my bike, too.

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