
Friday, February 17, 2012

Oldie But a Goodie--Dominican Republic

Jesse and I can't figure out why, but both of our cameras are not working.  (Hence the lack of recent blogs and pictures.)  I went digging through the closet for my old camera I used in college.  To my excitement, not only did I find my camera but it still had an old SD card inside.  I've spent the past hour browsing through photographs from college. 

My favorite photos are from our mission trip to the Dominican Republic in 2008.  I had forgotten the details of sleeping in mosquito nets, seeing the rainbow after the torrential downpour, catching tarantulas, and making arts and crafts with the children of the orphanage.  One of my favorite memories from the trip is hiking to the top of a mountain to watch the sunrise over the coast.

It's hard to fathom what a different place Jesse and I were in four years ago. 
I can't wait 'til we have the opportunity to travel and serve on another mission trip. 

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