
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Discovery Place

After organizing a field trip to Discovery Place for our fifth graders, I was reminded how much I love the museum!  Jesse and I let our membership expire when I was pregnant, but I convinced him that we needed to renew it last weekend.

Jackson loved the jellyfish and colorful aquariums.

He also enjoyed some of the physics exhibits.  This particular exhibit has a giant wind tunnel that you can stuff paper into and it will fall down like rain.

While I don't see a prodigy or architect-in-the-making, Jack enjoyed throwing the blocks at the Project Build center.

Clearly, Jackson was most at home at the children's play area.  He was the smallest kid there and he seemed infatuated with this little boy who was riding a toy car.  Jackson kept pulling up on the bridge and talking to him.

Our last stop included the water center where you can spray objects, play with paddle boats, and interact with various water toys.  By this point, Jackson was over stimulated and ready for a nap!

Jesse and I know Jackson is too young to remember or understand most of the exhibits in the museum.  However, I still think it's important to expose him to different activities and for him to participate in things that engage all of his senses.  I'm certain that the museum will be a frequent stop for us this summer. 

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