
Monday, April 23, 2012


Until recently, yard work was last on our priority list.  The weeds were so bad we even put Jackson to work.

Jesse struggled mowing the overgrown lawn while Jackson and I worked on pulling weeds.

The holly bushes directly outside our front door had become quite an eyesore.  The sharp-edged leaves are painful to brush against and they attract pests.  Jesse had a close encounter with a black widow while trimming the hedges!  Here is the view from our front door:

Jesse devoted most of spring break to removing all six bushes in front of the house.  This required purchasing a pick axe and wheelbarrow.  You can see how deep the roots were in just one bush.

Of course, Jackson helped transport the bushes to the back woods behind the house.

The final product (which I can take no credit for) is a simple flowerbed with a hibiscus, hydrangeas, and azaleas.  In place of the holly bushes is a red brick patio with a colorful table and chairs.  We already have rocking chairs on the deck, but there is something especially appealing to relaxing on the front porch.  I can't wait to watch Jackson draw with sidewalk chalk or ride his tricycle along the cul-de-sac.

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