
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

15 Month Well Check

Here are the latest stats:

8 lb, 15 oz
21.75 in
14 in
1 Month
11 lb, 1 oz
23.25 in
15.25 in
2 Month
12 lbs, 15 oz
25 in
15.75 in
4 Month
14 lbs, 4 oz
25.75 in
16.5 in
6 Month
16 lbs
27 in
17.5 in
9 Month
19 lbs
29 in
18 in
12 Month
21 lbs, 5 oz
30 in
18.5 in
15 Month
23.2 lbs
31.5 in
19 in

Jackson has maintained his measurements in the 25th percentile for weight, 50th percentile for length, and 75th percentile for head circumference.  He had two shots: the Hib and DTaP vaccine.  The doctor wrote another prescription for Prevacid as Jack still suffers from reflux.  The doctor suggested we take him to the dentist, which we will do in September when he is enrolled on Jesse's insurance.  That's about all the updates for this boy.

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