
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Date Night: The Wall

Jesse and I had our first date night in over 15 months.  That's right, with the exception of attending a funeral, Jesse and I haven't spent one single evening apart from Jackson in his entire life.  While I treasure our family time, it was surprisingly nice to get out of the house just the two of us. 

Jesse won tickets through a local radio station to see Roger Waters: The Wall.  This is the concert he's "waited for his whole life".  After many years of trying, and much to Jesse's dismay, I have yet to find an appreciation for Pink Floyd.  I'm not a fan of all the bizarre sound effects and never-ending instrumental segments.  Regardless, Jesse assured me that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I had no reason not to go.

Jesse's mom arrived at six.  We knew it would be easier for Jackson to sleep if he had his usual routine, so I was relieved that she suggested coming to our house.  Jesse and I headed off to Cosmos for some drinks before the concert.  (Okay, I had half a Blue Moon before deciding I really shouldn't drink while taking medication.)  For the first time in a long time, I felt my age.  I love living in an urban area, and it was fun to just go uptown and have a drink before a concert.

Words cannot describe the concert.  It was more like a Broadway show.  It was very theatrical and abstract, with unexpectedly little music.  The whole thing was over the top with lights, pyro, cartoon characters, video clips, planes crashing, giant inflatables, impressive projections, etc.  I had a hard time deciphering what audio was live versus recorded.  To say that my senses were on overload is quite an understatement.  Thankfully, Jesse helped clarify some of the scenes as I genuinely didn't know what was supposed to be represented with the various visuals.  The show ended rather abruptly with the literal wall being torn down.  I still don't know what my opinion is on the whole thing, but it was certainly a spectacle! 

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