
Friday, July 13, 2012

Reading Fever

At school we say that our students and staff have "the reading fever".  We use the phrase to hype the kids up about reading and encourage a contagious love of reading.  The reading fever has spread to our household this week.

Jackson has been read to regularly since he was in the womb.  He has recently become more possessive and taken great interest in tearing turning the pages of books.  Jesse and I purchased several board books for Jackson at Goodwill yesterday.  He has been toting around at least one of the books ever since we brought them home.  He's especially fond of Moo Moo, Brown Cow and Are You My Mother?  

I, too, have caught the fever.  I've succumbed to peer pressure and read the first two novels in the Fifty Shades trilogy.  There's really not much of a plot and the writing is extremely redundant, yet I stay awake at night reading them.  They are quick, intoxicating reads.  I feel obligated to read the third one.

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