
Saturday, August 11, 2012

First Haircut

I absolutely adore Jackson's curls, so much that I've kept putting off his first haircut.  Unfortunately, his hair was going in his eyes and down his back. 

Jesse and I took him to Great Clips this morning. He cried and tried to climb down as soon as we put him on the booster seat, so I ended up holding him in my lap the whole time. The hairdresser very kindly warned us that if he moved too much or kicked a lot he would have to get a buzz cut for safety reasons. I was so relieved that he cooperated!

I imagine Jack's favorite part of the haircut experience was selecting a Dum Dum.  Despite being a sticky mess, he enjoyed most of the sucker before using it as a spoon to stir the cat food around.

He still has a few curls!

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