
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Discovery Place

After the disappointment of the pumpkin patch, I talked Jesse into a family outing to our favorite museum.  Even though we have a family membership, we hadn't gone in several months.  It was so much fun to see how much more engaged Jackson was in the various exhibits.  He could climb up the stools to peer into the aquariums all by himself.

 He was also able to go across the rope bridge through the rainforest exhibit!  He was initially cautious but became increasingly confident.
Jackson was also intrigued by the bed of nails.  Jesse was reluctant to put him on the rising bed of nails, but Jack was surprisingly still. 
Another exciting exhibit was the "floating" balls.  Jackson enjoys blocking the airway to make the balls fall, or to use it as a fan and blow his hair back.
Jackson's favorite feature is the mega-water station.  There are rubber vests that the kids are supposed to wear, but Jackson screams wildly and rips them off.  Needless to say, this was our last stop and we left with a soaking wet toddler. 

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