
Sunday, September 15, 2013

2 Months Old

sleeping habits: The babies are very predictable at night and are all on the same sleeping schedule.  After eating, changing, and swaddling around 9 p.m. the babies wake up around 2:00 and 6:00 AM.  James and Amelia sleep in their individual cribs in the nursery.  Maddie starts off in the pack-n-play in our bedroom but ends up co-sleeping in our bed most of the night.  They all go back to sleep after the 6 AM feed and wake up for good between 8:30-9 AM.

They typically nap around 10:30-12, 1:30-3, and 4:30-6.  Unfortunately, it's common for one baby to be more alert during those times while the other two sleep, or for a baby to only sleep for 45 minutes during those times.  The morning and early afternoon naps occur anywhere (swing, playmat, pack-n-play, etc) but the late afternoon nap is always in a crib or pack-n-play upstairs.

eating habits: 
All babies receive 100% expressed breastmilk.  They eat every three hours during the day (9 AM., noon, 3 PM, 6 PM, 9 PM) and twice at night (2 AM, 6 AM).  Amelia and James consistently eat 4 ounces every feed while Maddie eats 3.5 ounces. 

James-social smiles, coos and other sounds, lift head and upper body during tummy time, turn in response to my voice, bat at toys
Amelia-social smiles, lift head and upper body during tummy time, turn in response to my voice, suck her thumb
Madeline-social smiles, coos and other sounds, lift head and upper body during tummy time, turn in response to my voice, roll over from tummy to back, army crawl

-Madeline's reflux is out of control.  She takes the maximum dose of Zantac (1 mg twice daily) but probably spits up half of what she eats.  She was prescribed Prevacid but the Medicaid insurance had not been approved at the time and it cost $300.   We finally got the insurance cards last week and have a well-check appointment scheduled on Wednesday.
-Jackson's behavior is still unpredictable and he can be quite rough on the babies.  Last week he picked James up off the couch and dropped him on his head!

-Not having to supplement with any formula
-Constant smiles, especially from James
-Taking the babies anywhere and everywhere using a tandem stroller.

special notes:
 Jesse went back to work a month ago, so we've been on our own during the day.  While it isn't easy, it's not as hard as I expected it to be.  We quickly established a routine that works for us.

1 comment:

  1. My fav photo collage yet. That is a fantastic pic of all three. Hope once Maddie is on prevacid, baby girl will get some relief.
