
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

After such a successful week alone with the babies, I was excited to see what all Jesse and I could conquer together during the three-day weekend.  We were able to find a happy-medium between busy and boring moments.  There were plenty of errands to run, naps to take, family to visit, and things to clean.
Movie and Popcorn
In between downtime and in-laws visiting we cleaned.  I do a decent job maintaining dishes, laundry, and clean floors, but we were able to deep clean the oven, microwave, bathrooms, and even shampoo the carpets.  It always feels better when the house is clean. 
We also ran errands as an entire family.  While I feel confident taking the kids out in most public places by myself, I wouldn't tackle a grocery store or restaurant alone.  At 7 weeks old, the trio had two more "firsts" this weekend.
We had a successful grocery trip to Aldi on Sunday.  I wanted to go shopping with Jesse since it was the first time in two months we actually had to buy real food due to the church bringing us meals.  Our grocery shopping trip was as uneventful as you can expect when shopping with triplets and a two year old.
On Labor Day, we ran a few more errands as a family of six.  Our first stop was Target.  Jackson insisted on having the giant kid buggy.  I had an easier time maneuvering the babies in the stroller than Jesse did with Jackson in the cart.  The plan was to use our Target gift card to purchase a waffle iron and a belt, but we left empty-handed.

Next up was our first time going out to eat.  We went to a Chinese buffet because any potential crying or tantrums could practically blend in amongst the loud, busy environment.  Thankfully there were no meltdowns.  Just like while eating dinner at our house, Jesse and I ended up each holding a baby by the end of our meal. 

Jackson made an unfortunate discovery this weekend of how to open the refrigerator and freezer doors. Apparently, he doesn't seem to know how to close them.  He just keeps climbing and getting yogurt, cheese, juice, fruit, etc.  He left partially eaten strawberries and cheese in the refrigerator door.  I spent a good ten minutes in the safety aisle of Babies-R-Us trying to find a remedy to this problem.  The standard childproof appliance lock doesn't work on the doors because they open from the middle.  If anyone has any advice, please comment!

Overall it was a pretty relaxed 3-day weekend.  We were productive but now feel surprisingly well-rested.

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