
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Trains and Pumpkins

Jackson had an impromptu sleepover with his MiMi on Friday night.  They had big plans to go see Thomas the Tank Engine at a nearby train station on Saturday.  I must admit, it was a refreshing break to only care for the babies.  Three infants are so much easier than an unpredictable two year old! 
Jesse spent most of Friday evening like this:   
And I spent most of Saturday morning like this:
Needless to say, it was a lazy 24 hours spent catching up on sleep and shows on the DVR.  With the exception of two middle of the night feeds, we all slept 12 hours! 
While we relaxed, Jack met up with his aunt, uncle, cousin, MiMi, and PaPa.  From what I can tell, Jackson was all smiles and created exciting memories with his family.  I stole these pictures from my mother-in-law. 

While Jack was away for the day, I wanted to do something special with the babies.  The last weekend in September only means one thing to me--the opening of the pumpkin patch!  I fondly recall picking out pumpkins as a child, cutting them open, and toasting pumpkin seeds with my dad.  Now that I'm a mom, there's nothing cuter than babies in a classic red wagon with some bright orange pumpkins!

Unfortunately, James didn't share my enthusiasm!

Jesse was growing increasingly more uncomfortable with the stares and comments from strangers. He kept mumbling, "They're looking at us like we're a freak show."  I, on the other hand, was in total bliss loving on my babies in the pumpkin patch!

You can expect another pumpkin patch post because I'll be taking the babies again with Jackson at some point in the next few weeks.  This year will be the first time Jackson can pick out a pumpkin and paint it himself. 

After the pumpkin patch we met up with the family for a pizza dinner and to bring home our sweet, exhausted Jack.

1 comment:

  1. Love! I'm so glad you two had special time with each other and the trio, which in turn meant we had Jack all to ourselves :) Just a great weekend!
