
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Weekend in Pictures

Friday Night: Jesse's mom provided dinner and company.  Jackson played with his cousin and we all indulged in fried chicken, macaroni salad, and key lime pie.  I know this is stating the obvious, but it is so, so much easier caring for three babies when there are three adults!
Saturday morning: While cleaning out the garage we found a dead turtle and snake skin.  We got rid of old lawn mowers, single strollers, and bicycles.  We can finally walk around the cars now.

Saturday early afternoon: I attended a baby shower with about twenty of my former co-workers.  James, Amelia, and Madeline received cuddles from some of my favorite women.  I listened to people complain about their singleton pregnancies and grinned politely.

While the babies and I were at the shower, Jesse took Jackson for a long overdue haircut.

Late afternoon: My former pastor and his wife (aka one of my best friend's parents) volunteered to babysit while Jesse and I got out of the house for a few hours.  Thankfully, Jackson napped the entire time.  Jesse and I finally used our Target gift card and enjoyed a cold treat at Sweet Frog.

One of our gift card purchases was a safety lock that actually works on our refrigerator.  Victory!

The second purchase is proof that I am a stay at home mom.  I've had my eye on one of those fancy laundry baskets that you can carry on your hip, but I could never justify spending $10 when we already have laundry baskets.  Granted, our cheap baskets are broken and definitely require two hands to hold them.  My hands are full enough these days, so I allowed myself to splurge on something completely unnecessary.

Saturday evening: Jesse's parents brought Japanese take-out for dinner and loved on their grandkids.  This picture is almost a month old, but it still conveys how the time was spent with the best MiMi and PaPa in the world.

Sunday morning: We had to be at church an hour earlier for a breakfast potluck.  Jackson and I made waffles while Jesse got the babies ready.  We always keep the babies in their car seats until they are in the nursery; every Sunday people flock to admire them.  We are so fortunate to have so many people who love our children!

We attempted to have a lazy Sunday afternoon.  Though we were able to nap, it was cut short by hungry babies.

Jesse took Jackson grocery shopping while I juggled three fussy babies, pumped, and cleaned downstairs. 

Still on the agenda: eat dinner, give the kids a bath, fold laundry, and go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. You grinned politely? You? :p

    One handed laundry basket is a must! Great pictures. I especially love the look on James's face in that last shot, lol.
