
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Annual Fall Festival

Jackson has been talking nonstop about riding a tractor.  He's been so excited about the upcoming annual fall festival my aunt and uncle host.  We are fortunate to have grown up on a huge plot of land and my aunt invites the entire family over once a year for a fun outdoor gathering.  It has become one of our favorite fall traditions.
The fall festival didn't begin until late afternoon, which meant I had all morning to distract Jackson from asking about the tractor ride.  Thankfully, a long walk around the neighborhood in the wagon kept him entertained for an hour.

The babies were looking around for the first half, but fell asleep as always.

After resisting naptime, Jackson was sound asleep by the time Jesse got home.  I put the babies in their adorable footy pajamas while Jesse got Jackson ready.

By the time we got there, my siblings and cousins were already there.  When you have that much land, it's fun to simply run around and play games.  Of course, owning a golf cart to drive around doesn't hurt either!

 It wasn't long before our feast of hot dogs and chicken was ready. 

Let the binge eating commence.

One of my favorite things about family get-togethers is that babies are always passed around and held.  Tonight was no exception for our sweet James, Amelia, and Madeline.  They have no idea how many people love them.

After enjoying games and food, the highlight of the evening is the hayride. 
Jackson was all smiles when he finally got to go on the tractor.  James and Amelia were bundled up in a blanket and slept peacefully in my brother and sister's arms.  Maddie was my bright-eyed cuddle buddy.

 The evening wouldn't be complete without a bonfire and s'mores.  Yum!

Despite staying for 3+ hours, we were the last to arrive and the first to leave.  Of course, we also have the longest drive and the youngest children.  Everyone was getting cranky so we knew our fun evening was ending. 

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