
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Math Facts

Note: I tried to be conservative on all of my cost estimates.  I used value-size, store-brand prices and did not factor in tax.

How Much Time I Spend Pumping Each Week
30 min per session x 7 pumps per day = 210 minutes
210 minutes ÷ 60 minutes = 3.5 hours
3.5 hours x 7 days per week = 24.5 hours
That means every week, I spend an entire DAY hooked up to a pump!

How Much Milk I Produce Each Week
Each baby consumes seven 4-oz bottles of breastmilk per day.  I pump just enough and am able to freeze 1 bag of milk a day.
(Typically pump 12 oz per session x 7 pumps per day) + 6 extra oz at 3 a.m. pump = 90 oz
90 oz x 7 day a week = 630 oz
There are 128 fl. oz. in a gallon.
630 oz ÷ 128 oz = 4.9 gallons

How Much Money We Would Spend on Formula Each Month
3 babies x 7 4-oz bottles per day = 21 4-oz bottles per day
Parent's Choice Value Size Infant Formula (makes 60 4-oz bottles)= $22.47
21 bottles a day x 30 days last month = 630 4-oz bottles a month
630 bottles ÷ 60 bottles per Parent's Choice container = 10.5 containers
10.5 Parent's Choice Value Size Infant Formula containers x $22.47 = $235.93

How Many Cloth Diapers We Use Each Month
Approximately 8 diapers a day x 4 kids = 32 diapers
32 diapers x 30 days last month= 960 diapers

How Much Money We Would Spend on Disposable Diapers Each Month
144 Parent's Choice diapers = $19.77
960 diapers ÷ 144 diapers = 6.67 boxes
6.67 boxes x $19.77 = $131.80

How Much Money We Save Each Month by Breastfeeding and Cloth Diapering
$235.93 (formula) + $131.80 (diapers) = $367.74

At three months old, we have saved $1,103.22 by being able to offer breastmilk and use cloth diapers.

If I reach my goal of exclusively pumping for six months (and continue to cloth diaper), we will save $2,206.44.