
Sunday, November 17, 2013

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

I am well aware that it is only mid-November and I shouldn't even be allowed to post this until after Thanksgiving.  With that said, I am so excited about Christmas this year!  Three things happened yesterday that filled me with Christmas glee.

1. We had our photo shoot for the Christmas cards.  As you read from the last post, it was a bit of a headache.  However, wrapping presents, buying traditional Christmas pajamas, and taking pictures makes me so happy!

2. Jackson convinced Mr. Scrooge himself (aka Jesse) to buy this inflatable Santa Claus while grocery shopping yesterday.  Jackson could not be more excited about Christmas this year, though I'm trying to keep it minimal. 

3. This adorable ornament arrived in the mail, courtesy of my thoughtful mother-in-law.

Bring on the advent wreaths/calendar, carols, decorating, presents, baking, pajamas, and family gatherings.  I'm ready!


  1. Me too! When Ethan comes, we are so putting up the tree. I don't care if it's before Thanksgiving.

  2. My jaw is still dropping over the inflatable Santa. It's official, I'm the only sister left who hasn't become our mother. ;)

    Precious first Christmas ornament!
