
Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Best Saturday Ever

I'd been looking forward to Saturday for a few weeks now because we had several fun things planned.  The day managed to be even better than I expected.

During my 2 a.m. pumping session, I logged into the National Board website, hoping they might release scores early.  I was beyond elated to immediately be directed to this screen:  

With the excitement of passing National Boards, I couldn't sleep.  I started going back through old blog posts and pictures from this same time last year and made an exciting realization.  It's been exactly one year since I took a positive pregnancy test.  I had been having intense symptoms at only 3.5 weeks and got a super dark line right away.  I guess that should have been my first indication there might be more than one baby. 

Reminiscing and celebrating was an amazing start to the day.  I was already in a great mood before 6 a.m.  The morning only got better because we had the opportunity to take Jackson to the circus.  A member of our church donated tickets, so we only had to pay $5 for parking.  My sisters were at our house by 9:30 a.m. to watch the babies so we could have a Mommy/Daddy date with Jackson.  Jack was unusually quiet and sat on Jesse's lap the whole time.  Tigers jumping through hoops of fire, motorcyclists performing tricks, acrobats, fog machines, bright lights, and loud music can be a bit overwhelming for anyone, much less a two year old.  Jackson did a great job and said he had a lot of fun.  Some random Jack quotes: "I not scared of clowns." and "Where are the giraffes?'

After 90 minutes, I was skeptical Jackson could handle the second half of the circus.  We left during intermission to go eat lunch.  Not surprisingly, Jackson requested to go to CiCi's.  It was nice to be able to give so much individual attention to Jackson.  Once home, we were able to briefly visit with my sisters before they left.
Jesse asked if I wanted him to go get a bottle of champagne to celebrate National Board certification.  I said I'd rather nap!  Two peaceful hours later, I was well-rested and ready for our fun evening.
Jesse had purchased tickets for a comedy show that was hosted by one of our favorite radio talk shows. Jesse's parents graciously volunteered to feed and put all four kids to bed while we drove 45 minutes to eat dinner and attend the show.  We had time to kill after dinner so we walked around downtown.  It just so happened to be the same evening as the town's annual tree lighting ceremony.  What a fun surprise!

The comedians did not disappoint.  I laughed 'til I cried and rarely thought about the kids.  After a rough week with schedule changes and babies' fighting sleep, I desperately needed a few hours away.  It was the perfect end to the perfect day.

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