
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in Pictures


Field trip to UNCC with one of the most challenging classes ever!

Surviving the wretched first trimester with triplets


Surprise snowfall

Finding out the genders: two girls and a boy!

Bonding with my teammates after a rocky start to the school year


Celebrating April's life, grieving her loss

Happy Easter with three healthy chickadees

Rewarding students for good behavior


Celebrating Jackson's 2nd birthday

Playdate to the zoo

Watching my two favorite guys mow the lawn every Saturday

Giving Jackson a big boy room makeover during Spring Break

Reaching viability


Finishing the nursery, organizing the closet

Creating personal touches to the babies' room

completing final unit of the school year (Westward Expansion Unit), submitting National Boards

Purchasing a minivan
 June aka "Soaking Up Every Final Moment as a Family of Three"
Splashing around


Watching the planes take off and land

Going on a train ride (We may have been slightly exhausted after walking around the train station.)

Birthday parties and museums
Celebrating my 27th birthday and final week of pregnancy
Surviving the c-section

Introducing the three most incredible babies to the three most incredible women

Becoming a family of six

Delivering full term babies, bringing them home three days later


Our first of many, many outings

Witnessing moments like this

Gaining confidence as a stay at home mom

Surviving moments like this

Newborn photo shoot by the lovely Amy


Alligator cookies (Crafts and baking are a regular part of our weekly routine.)

Cuddles while all three can still fit in my arms

Surviving humbling moments during toddler tantrums from hell (didn't make it past the library parking lot)

Second chances, being able to start over each day (Made it for library story time)

Summer wagon rides

Outdoor naps

Cloth diapering four children

Daddy cuddles

Date at the Dragway

Pumpkin patch

Experimenting with new recipes (pumpkin cupcakes, carrot cake, no bake cookies, mummy cupcakes, and more)

Jackson's first day of preschool

Annual Robinson Fall Festival

Fun with cousins!

Halloween costumes

candy swap

Annual beach trip

First time babies go swimming

Thanksgiving-the kids greatly outnumber the adults :)

Watching personalities develop (especially from these two)

Accomplishing greatest professional achievement to date

Getting my rings reset/resized (after not wearing them for three years)

First time at the circus

Christmas photos, being reminded to let go of ideals and have a sense of humor



Finally finding a new pediatrician!

One of three visits with Santa
Starting new traditions, anticipating Jackson's reaction each morning

Christmas morning!

Maintaining amazing friendships with former colleagues

Introducing solids

Potty training success

Jesse's first tattoo (Jackson's and trio's birthdates)

2014...bring it!

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