
Sunday, December 29, 2013

An Abundant Life

I don't know how Jesse and I are so fortunate, but once again we have received so many things for the trio.  (We spent $30 on their shared Christmas present, which was the first time we've spent our own money on the babies...CRAZY!)  The babies were gifted clothes, high chairs, baby food, toys, adorable cloth diapers, and wipes.  We haven't had to buy a single toy, crib, high chair, diaper, burp cloth, can of formula, article of clothing, bottle, double stroller, etc.  They only purchase we've made is the quad stroller, and we used baby shower money for that.  It's truly amazing how generous family, friends, and friends of friends have been to our family!

Here's the mammoth pile of opened gifts:

I mentioned in the previous post that I switched the storage bins for the toy chest.  It was the same height and still fit perfectly under the lettering.

The chest works well to conceal the mess of toys.

My coworkers joked that our house looks like an in-home daycare with the high-chairs stacked in the corner and toys everywhere. 

In addition to the gifts from family members, we also received our second shipment from Enfamil.  We now have 34 unopened cans of formula stacked up to the ceiling of our laundry room.  If I supplement with 1 can per week, this will last well beyond their first year of life.  (Now let's just hope my supply keeps up and I don't have to supplement more.)

God is good!  Not just for providing financially, but blessing us with beautiful children, good heath, education, stability, and generous loved ones.  We are fulfilled in every sense of the word.

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