
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Discovery Place Kids Membership

I bought myself and the kids the best Christmas present yesterday - a family membership to a local kid's museum for the next year.  It was a lot of money, but it will pay for itself in only 6 visits. 

The membership application had a box where you could write how many guest passes you wanted. I asked if a guest pass was included in the family membership.  The employee said, "No.  It's $20 for each guest.  You'll definitely want one for your nanny, though."  I just nodded and secretly wondered why she assumed I had a nanny.

Our typical weekly schedule is as follows:

Monday-library storytime/park
Friday-lunch date with sister and friend

I thrive on structure and predictable routines.  Having infant triplets and a toddler can cause chaos and a lack of control, so we all do better when we have certain things to look forward to and expect.  Not only does this particular museum have exceptional exploration areas for young children, it also has a Wonderful Wednesday program that incorporates science, stories, arts, cooking, etc.  The museum itself has so many things to explore in each area, I don't think Jackson could ever get bored.  There is also a large area that is safe for babies to crawl and climb, which means the trio will have their own area to play in soon.  (I can't even think about having three crawlers right now!  It's a good thing I've got a few months.)

The Wonderful Wednesday program this week was a gingerbread workshop.  Jackson was able to make his own gingerbread ornament using pre-cut foam decorations.

He was also able to decorate a gingerbread cookie.  Everything was so well organized.  Each plate had dollops of colored icing, sprinkles, candies, and a popsicle stick on it.

While we were talking and eating our cookies, Jack suddenly started laughing hysterically and yelled, "Look, Mommy!  What's my elf doing up there?"  Sure enough, there was a mischievous elf sitting on top of the cabinets.

After our fun with gingerbread men, I let Jackson lead the way.  Jack spent most of the afternoon working on a car. 

He changed the tires,

checked the oil, and topped off all the fluids.  Perhaps he's a future mechanic.

I remembered to bring toys for the babies to play with.  James was entertained with this butterfly.

Amelia had a toy frog and Clifford, but she talked to me and smiled most of the time.

I didn't get a picture of Maddie since she was in the Ergo.  She was quite chatty until she fell asleep.

I'm so excited to have another kid-friendly place where the kids can learn and play!


  1. Despite my envy, I do love Jack's commentary on things--cuteness! Could I please steal Amelia? She loves me you know ;) GREAT Christmas present (the membership, not me stealing Amelia, lol).

  2. We have a membership too. We should go together sometime.
