
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Santa: Third Time's the Charm

Three random facts about our family and Santa:
1. Jackson is really into the whole idea of Santa this year.  He loves all things related to Mr. Claus.
2. I will never, ever pay money for a photo of my children with Santa.
3. I really wanted a picture with all three babies sitting on Santa's lap.  This was harder than I expected.

Jackson was the first to sit on Santa's lap during an impromptu visit at Lowe's.  I have no clue why Santa was at the hardware store, nor do I understand why Jesse let Jackson sit on Santa's lap without so much as a phone call to discuss it with me.  I was disappointed I didn't get to share in the experience, but I ended up getting two more chances during the following week. 

Our second visit with Santa was at Bass Pro Shop.  While Christmas shopping at the mall, we stopped by the store to see the fish.  I didn't expect Santa to be there at 10:30 a.m. on a Wednesday morning.  Since Jesse had already taken Jackson to see Santa, I didn't feel bad taking the babies without him.  There wasn't a wait, so we just walked right up to Santa.  I asked him if he was comfortable holding three children.  He responded positively.  I placed the girls on Santa's lap and Jackson stood in the middle.  As I went to give James to him, Santa quickly said, "No.  There's already three children.  I only have two hands."  I ended up semi-awkwardly standing beside him holding James.  Whatever...I can't be disappointed with a free picture.  Plus, I love the expression on Santa's face.

Our final attempt at sitting on Santa's lap was at our in-laws' church event.  They host an annual "Breakfast with Santa" that is always fun for the kids.  Jackson and his cousin, Levi, have a mutual admiration for one another.  They were too cute sitting on Santa's lap together. 


I was appreciative that this Santa was more than willing to hold all three babies at once.  James, Amelia, and Maddie were dressed in their new Christmas jammies for the cute photo op.  Love them!

The Christmas countdown is officially on--10 more days!

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