
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Day to Recharge

Saturday combined everything I needed and love.  The day began with the whole family sleeping in until 8:30.  Jesse cooked breakfast burritos while I fed the babies. 

While the babies napped, I got my haircut and eyebrows waxed.  I'd been growing my hair out for several months now (mostly out of neglect).  I couldn't take it anymore.  Amelia is always pulling it.  It didn't look good at all and it would get tangled.  The hairdresser cut off a good four inches and I feel amazing.  I even paid the extra $4 for a shampoo, which included a scalp massage.

Jesse asked me if I turned into a 15 year old girl when he walked in on me taking this selfie.
I came home to a clean house, which meant I didn't have to do anything to get ready for the play date we were hosting.  A few friends and their babies came over to "play".  I was able to enjoy chicken quesadillas, adult conversation, and cute babies.

After the play date I met up with a local mother who is expecting twin girls next month.  I had been looking for a mom with twin girls so I could donate our numerous matching and coordinating newborn outfits.  She was very kind and appreciative.  While out, I snuck in a quick shopping trip to purchase some cheap finds for a fellow triplet mom.

Jesse had arranged for his family to come watch the kids while we had a date night.  His mom was already on the way when I got home.  We enjoyed our third date since the arrival of the trio.  We indulged in Mexican food and my favorite molten chocolate cake at Chili's. 

chocolate bliss

After dinner we went to see 12 Years a Slave.  While this movie was not pleasant to watch, it was very powerful.  I certainly did not think of the babies at any point during the movie.
It truly was a perfect day as I was able to have blocks of time with friends, my kids, my husband, and myself.  

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