
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cookie Monster

My new selfie
I've developed a cookie obsession over the past two weeks.  It began with replicating my sister's cookie cake on Valentine's Day, and has spiraled out of control.  Our church has a "cookie mission" where we sign up to bake and deliver cookies for local agencies and schools. I made another cookie cake, chocolate whoopie pies, and sugar cookies for the fire department.

Jackson has become the master sous chef.  He does really well scooping out ingredients from the large canisters, though we're still working on making a level measuring cup.

Jack knows the difference between the speeds on the mixer and will ask, "Like that or faster?"

I've learned by trial and error that the cleanest and most effective way to roll out cookie dough is to sandwich the dough between two large pieces of wax paper.  It eliminates the need for flour and doesn't create a sticky mess.

We make icing while the sugar cookies bake.  I prefer to handle frosting and let Jackson be in charge of sprinkles.

Jackson and I make a good team.  With our most recent sugar cookies, he moved the cookies from the cooling rack onto a plate and said, "Here's one heart for Mommy, one heart for Daddy, and one little heart for Jackson!" 

Then he licked the icing off all three!  This kid could get away with murder.

Fastforward a few days...

Jackson wanted to make cookies for the firefighters we saw last week.  I printed a personalized thank you card from Walgreens for $1 and gathered the ingredients for baking cookies. Our first batch of no bake cookies was a major fail.  Apparently steel-cut oats don't quite work.  The taste was great, but the texture was a bit crunchy.  Jesse and I nicknamed these the "colon cleanser cookies".  Needless to say, the first batch didn't make it to the fire department. 

Jackson's preschool is directly beside Aldi.  After dropping him off, the babies and I ran in to pick up some instant oats along with a few other items.  (Sidenote: This is the second time Aldi has been completely out of milk, which meant a trip to an additional store was required.)  Aldi had red velvet cake mix discounted to 45¢.  The babies and I had a dance party while baking red velvet whoopie pies.  I used this recipe, which resulted in a texture much more like cake than cookies.  The batter was very sticky and hard to work with.

They cooled while we picked Jackson up from school.  Jack helped me  whip up some cream cheese icing.  He handed me the cakes while I filled it with icing.


Jackson was so proud and eager to hand deliver the cookies and card to the firefighters.  We waited 'til Jesse got home so I wouldn't have to take the babies. (Plus, Jackson was way overdue for a haircut and the fire department is on the way to Great Clips.)

Jackson rang the doorbell.  As soon as a firefighter opened the door he blurted out, "We made you cookies! I put them in kitchen."  Sure enough, his good memory directed him towards the kitchen.  The whole room was full of firemen laughing and smiling.  They were over the top thanking him and giving him high-fives.  Jackson said, "We not stay.  We go eat dinner." as if he was invited to spend the evening there.  Oh, how he makes me laugh!

I've enjoyed cookie baking but will be returning to my original love this weekend by making a Sleeping Beauty cake and a carrot cake.  Birthday parties and old friends require fun, tasty cakes.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. My cookie/pie dough rolling advice. Wrap your rolling pin with Press 'N Seal wrap, amazing! No tasty dough on the roller and less waste.
