
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Preschool Progress Report

In case you're wondering what a report card looks like for a two year old, here you go:

I honestly can't remember what the G and W stand for but it was something along the lines of "great progress" and "work needed".  According to Jackson's preschool teacher, Jack needs the most work in speaking skills and fine motor skills.

I don't know how effectively the average two year old threads beads or does puzzles, but I'm happy to have something to work on with him.  It gives me ideas for crafts to make.  I can't even imagine how much fun he would have making his own candy necklace or making his own puzzle using old photos.

I don't know how to improve his speaking skills.  I'm wondering if he just doesn't talk as much at school because I frequently hear him say complex sentences and verbally communicate his wants and needs.  Then again, I think about what a delayed start he had with speaking in general and how you would never know it now. 

All in all, I'm taking the items on his report card with a grain of salt.  I like having clear expectations for what a two year old should be able to do and I appreciate the feedback. 


  1. I seriously don't know too many two year old kids that would ask "why Daft Punk wear helmets?" Seriously..LOL!

    1. HA! I should compile a list of his crazy questions.

  2. Where can this Preschool Progress Report be found?

    1. My son no longer attends this preschool and I didn't save this progress report. However, in doing a reverse image search, it looks like you can purchase them at
