
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Some People...

After dropping Jackson off at preschool, the babies and I ran a few errands.  We can't go anywhere without getting stopped by strangers.  I typically don't mind, but some people have trouble hiding their ignorance. After checking out at WalMart today, I was stopped by an employee who said, "Tell me what kind of pills you took to get three so I'll know not to take them."  I was quite annoyed and just kept walking.  I vented to my fellow 2013 triplet moms and we all commiserated with one another, sharing the ridiculous comments we've received.

Every time I think I've heard it all and nothing could surprise me, some dumbass takes it to another level.  The following story is not my personal experience, rather a story told from a fellow triplet mom.  I had to share because it takes the cake!
"We had a WalMart cashier not want to ring up my formula. I was buying about 10 cans and she wanted to know why I was getting so much. When I told her I had triplet newborns at home she insisted I buy an Emu and milk it. Then after an awkward pause she decides I should get two Emus and milk them. I stood there for an eternity waiting for her to just ring me up so I could go!!! It was weird!"

I seriously laughed until I cried after reading this.  Since Jackson was at preschool and the babies were napping, I quickly made a meme to share with my triplet mom friends so we could prolong the laughter.



  1. I get stopped all the time with two. I can't imagine 3!! Dumbest question we've been asked-were you trying to have twins? Wow. I also still get asked if they are identical at 17 months of age. They are boy girl. People....

  2. I am in my 30s and still get asked about 1/2 the time if we are identical, when I tell people I have a twin brother. I'm a woman!

    1. They must not have paid attention in biology class!

  3. I apologize for the rude Walmart employees. We are not all like that. Which Walmart was this?

    1. I was at Thunder Rd. Emu lady was in another state. You don't represent the entire corporation; no need to apologize. ;)
