
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Superhero Party

Saturday was the long awaited birthday party for one of Jackson's favorite cousins/friends.  The party was a superhero theme, and we were encouraged to dress as our favorite superhero.  I desperately wanted a family picture of our cuteness but Jackson would NOT cooperate.  My sister-in-law unintentionally captured this video of Jackson's outburst while trying to take a picture of the six of us.  How will I ever survive three toddlers?  Sigh...

At least we captured a decent shot with the babies.

Despite Jack's ridiculous tantrums, he had a blast.  It was hard to get any pictures of him as he was constantly running around the church gymnasium.

The kids were able to decorate their own capes, roll around on scooters, and eat pizza.  The best entertainment came from a gigantic Spiderman balloon.  There were several children of various ages that chased, wrestled, and bounced Spiderman until they were all on the floor giggling.  Then they got back up and played again. And again and again....

Jackson was equally excited about the awesome cake.

My mother-in-law bought matching shirts (on clearance) for my sister-in-law and I.  I can't tell you how many posts and messages I've read from other women venting about their in-laws.  I certainly lucked out in this department and am so blessed to have gained a sister and mom by marrying Jesse.  We are all superwomen and supermoms, indeed!

It was a great party with great family!

1 comment:

  1. Aww how sweet thank you Bonnie, I am the lucky one to have two such great girls! I love you both dearly!
