
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Photojournal of Jackson, Age Two

Exactly three years ago today, our life changed when we welcomed this face into the world at 4:28 AM.

8 lb, 15 oz burrito baby
Three years later Jackson Lee is still challenging and blessing us each day. I am so proud of what a reflective, considerate, determined young boy Jack has become. To celebrate Jackson turning three, here are some of the most memorable moments and photos from his third year of life (age two).

No more cribs or pacifiers, big boy room makeover (April 2013)

First trip to the zoo (April 2013)

How my boys spent every Saturday morning in spring/summer

What happens when you let a 2 year old eat a PB&J in the car

Pre-triplets, when bedtime routines consisted of an hour of rocking, singing, and stories with Daddy

Watching planes take off at Airport Overlook (June 2013)

First train ride (June 2013)

Fun with Sparklers on Fourth of July

Final photo as a family of three (July 14, 2013)

Meeting his siblings for the first time (July 15, 2013)

Favorite hobby, feeding the ducks (August 2013)

Alligator cookies (September 2013)

One of many picnics in the park (September 2013)

Catching football after church potluck (October 2013)

Pumpkin patch (October 2013)

Batboy (October 2013)

First day of preschool (October 2013)

"Can we return them?"

Fall Festival/Halloween Costumes (October 2013)

Mr. Resourceful determined to get his candy bucket (Nov. 2013)

Fun at Freedom Park, Panthers Obstacle Course (Nov. 2013)

Annual beach trip (Nov. 2013)

First circus (Nov. 2013)

Final month in diapers
Pinterest Fail=Crazy Christmas Cards

Decorating the Christmas Tree (Dec. 2013)

Finding Jackson the Elf each morning (Dec. 2013)

Starring as Joseph in the school Nativity

First bicycle, Merry Christmas 2013

3-Day Potty Training (Dec. 2013)
Testing out his new ride (Jan. 2013)

Dr. Jack enjoys Discovery Place Kids membership (Jan. 2014)

Clifford Cuddles (Jan. 2014)

Superhero Birthday Party for Cousin Levi (Feb. 2014)

Snowstorm (Feb. 2014)

Building First Snowman


Visiting the local fire station (Feb. 2014)

Fearless on the Slide (March 2014)

One of hundreds of meltdowns throughout the year (Mar. 2014)

First mini-golf, confused at the 18th hole (April 2014)

Happy birthday, Jackson Lee!

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