
Friday, April 11, 2014

Preschool Easter Celebrations

Jackson's preschool will be closed next week for spring break, which means today was his last day for the next week and a half. The school hosted Easter celebrations that included an egg hunt and a catered picnic lunch. The festivities were planned to begin at 11:30. I arrived on time and waited on the field with all the other moms in his class.  We continued to wait in the designated egg hunt area. About ten minutes later, the director came out front and said, "We've been looking for y'all. The 2's are in the back." When we all walked around, the egg hunt was already over. Disappointed, I took a few eggs out of Jackson's basket, tossed them on the ground, and asked him to "find" them for me.  Jack was in a great mood and played along.  Jack even shared his eggs with the babies. Though, he was quick to say, "They not eat my candy!"

Jack began the school year in October as the only boy in his class.  In recent months, two more boys have joined the class.  It's amazing how much I hear at home about his friends.

The Three Amigos
After the egg hunt everyone laid out their blankets for our picnic lunch from Chick-Fil-A. The weather was a perfect 70 degrees. Jackson nibbled on his chicken nuggets but devoured his fresh fruit and candy.

Amelia is a master at army crawling backwards. She frequently ends up stuck under the couch or pack-n-play. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to find her trapped under the stroller when I returned with our food. James was also on the move and was adamant about eating the grass. I lost count of how many times I had to put them back on the blanket.

After saying goodbye to his teachers, Jackson requested we go to the park. With such pleasant weather, I couldn't resist. We had the park to ourselves for a few minutes before the whole neighborhood arrived.  I love carefree afternoons where the babies and I can relax in the shade while Jackson burns off some energy.

It was a pretty great Thursday afternoon.  Only one more day to go before spring break begins!

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