
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Go, Go, Go, Go on an Adventure

I'm not in a blogging mood but wanted to share some pictures from our day. As usual, I took a ridiculous amount of pictures during the five hours that we were out and about playing. We went to the playset warehouse for free play, then headed to Freedom Park for a picnic lunch and obstacle course. Jesse and Jack attempted to pick up a dishwasher after dinner (such a disaster!) while I bathed the babies and put them to bed.  Of course there are more details to share, but that will be another post.

Jackson the Monkey

Each baby had a turn on the trampoline

There was a perfectly secluded spot by the creek.

All four shared graham crackers, cheese, and fruit

Summer dresses

After completing the Panther's obstacle course

Silliness in the bath

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