
Wednesday, May 28, 2014


We had an exceptionally fun morning at a nearby sprayground. I met up with some other mommy friends for a playdate at the park. Having never been to a sprayground, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I was very happy with the amount of shade produced by the canopy, as well as the shaded seating around the circumference. 

We have a couple of nearby water parks and pools that I would love to take Jackson to, but I cannot manage four children in the water by myself. The sprayground was a perfect alternative. Jack still got to wear his bathing suit and get soaked without me having to dive in after anyone.

There was a school group there at the same time. The crowds did not interfere with our positive experience.

Next time we go I will be sure to bring small buckets and other water toys. The only thing I had was soft frisbees that I let the babys gnaw on. Jackson happily made do.

I brought the blanket and baby toys for the trio to play with. They each started out like this:

It didn't take long at all for curious James to crawl towards the fountains. I should have dressed the babies in bathing suits, too.

Thankfully my mom friends helped watch the babies while I gave each kid individual attention. I let each baby take a turn splashing in the water and grabbing the streams of water. James and Amelia enjoyed it. Maddie was unpleasantly startled. 

Jackson wore himself out after over an hour of play. We never made it to the actual playground side of the park. He requested lunch, which I would have brought with us had I known how much fun we would have. Jack wrapped himself up in a towel and watched others play while I loaded the babies into the stroller and made last minute small talk.

We will definitely be returning soon!


  1. I can see how much fun Jack had! What a fun idea!

  2. Replies
    1. Nevin Park. We'll try the Kannapolis splash pad next.
