
Sunday, May 18, 2014

What Belly: One Week In

I know I'm devoting a lot of blog posts to Wheat Belly, but it's a pretty drastic change in our way of eating. It's also the first time Jesse and I have committed to doing something about our health together (besides the brief juice fast). It's been a full week since we introduced a grain-free/sugar-free diet.

I completed Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred workout video six days this week. Jesse maintained his usual exercise routine (bicycling MWF, weightlifting T/Th).

I wanted anecdotal and numerical data to compare before and after 30 days of clean eating and exercising. Last Sunday we weighed ourselves and measured our arm, leg, neck, chest, waist, and hip. We took hideous body shots (front, side, and back). We also completed Dr. Oz's Toxicity Quiz. We will repeat everything after 30 days.

Quick notes from the week:

Withdrawal symptoms
Jesse: increased irritability, frequent hunger, constant cravings for cakes
Bonnie: sore and achy (likely more from exercise than diet), increased irritability after 4 pm, hunger until I started increasing fat intake, nauseating headaches

Favorite Meal:
Jesse: lemon-pepper chicken, honey glazed carrots, and sauteed zucchini and onions
Bonnie: salmon, roasted broccoli, and sweet potato fries

Favorite Snack:
Jesse: celery and almond butter
Bonnie: banana walnut pancakes (combine 1 egg, 1 banana, handful of walnuts)

Most Challenging Temptation This Week:
Jesse: not eating cakes (There were several cakes in teacher's lounge and at home.)
Bonnie: not binging on candy melts while decorating the graduation cake

Jesse: stopped taking medication for acid reflux, lost 10 lbs
Bonnie: no longer craving sweets (unless it is directly in front of me), lost 10 lbs

Weight Loss:
Jesse: down 10 lbs
Bonnie: down 10 lbs

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