
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Making Room for Changes

Jesse did a bit of rearranging last week to provide better space for our new hobbies. The first major change was clearing the office to create more floor space for our home gym. By gym, I mean weights and an exercise bike, with lots of room to move around. Jesse follows P90X videos daily and I have started T25. Those intense workout programs require adequate space.

Jesse also took down Maddie's pack-n-play that had been in the corner of our bedroom for the past year. Though Maddie has been sleeping in the nursery for a month now, I still liked having it there just in case she needed to come back. The pack-n-play is now in the attic.

Both Jesse and I have spent most of our recreational time reading. He moved the oversized chair and ottoman that was formerly in the office into the corner of our bedroom.

The comfy spot is between the windows and a dresser with a lamp.  We have nice reading light no matter what time of day it is.

In case you're wondering, this was my reading list last month. Clearly my preference is realistic fiction. I returned my library books and have put a dozen more on hold. Happy reading!

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