
Monday, June 9, 2014

Pool Time!

Jackson LOVES water. It's hard to get him out of pools, sprinklers, and baths. Over the past month I've been on the search for a large, affordable, inflatable pool. I did not want the standard round baby pool because I knew Jackson would overpower the babies. I finally found a good size pool at Sam's for $30. 

Jackson and his MiMi picked up a bicycle pump. A few hours and quivering biceps later, we finally had the pool inflated!

Jackson tested out the pool first thing Sunday morning.

It was overcast and the water was cold, but that didn't deter Jack. He played with his new toys.

I got my bathing suit on and joined him. I was impressed that the inflatable seats held my weight. I could sit down and put my feet in the water instead of immersing myself in the cold water.

The trio had their turn this afternoon when the water had warmed up. I just kept them in their diaper covers. and let them splash around.

James took this role a bit too seriously. He was absolutely giddy. I think his constant kicks and splashes annoyed the girls.

Maddie preferred to sit on the seat while Amelia tried to eat the starfish.

My favorite thing about the pool is there are two sections. We intentionally placed the pool on a gentle slope. The babies were on the higher end where the water was shallow. Jackson was able to play on the lower side with deeper water.

Unfortunately, Jackson enjoys drinking the pool water. Or maybe he just likes to impersonate Gene Simmons.

I allowed Jackson to continue playing while the babies played on the deck.

The babies air-dried in their shaded baby jail. Amelia and Maddie weren't nearly as modest as James.

I surprised Jackson with a popsicle. (This kid has an obsession with popsicles but I stopped buying them once we started eating better.)


  1. Awww! They look so cute splashing around in the water. Most kids their age just love playing in the water, so it’s always a wet day for moms everywhere. Hahaha! Anyway, good thing you thought of buying an inflatable pool. It’s going to be really hot soon and swimming is a great way to cool off. :D
    Joanne Henry @ Tranquility Pools New Jersey

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