
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Last Day of Summer

Our last day of summer vacation was nothing like I had planned or wanted. Jesse returns to work on Monday with workdays; then his students will return to school the following Monday. I had wanted to do something as a whole family, preferably something I cannot do by myself (i.e. go swimming, ride the train at the park, or take a day trip to the zoo). Unfortunately, Jesse was writhing in stomach pain after making one too many bad food choices the previous night. (Ever since we cut grains and sugar out of our diet, Jesse gets violently ill if he consumes excessive grains/sugar.) 

With Jesse out of commission, the kids and I were on our own. So much for our last summer day together. I don't do well around sick people and Jesse needed rest so our only option was to go out for the day. We headed to Frank Liske Park. Each time I decide to go to this park, I seem to only recall the beautiful lake, green rolling hills, multiple playgrounds, shaded picnic shelters, and open fields. I always forget how exhausting it is to push the stroller through the thick gravel trails, how aggressive the geese are, and how far the bathrooms are from the lake. While it's a gorgeous park, it will be more enjoyable when the kids are older.

I got everyone dressed and I prepared and packed lunches for a picnic. I couldn't help but laugh when I turned around to see Jackson eating the bread I packed for the geese.

The beautiful scenery did not disappoint. I can't wait to go in the fall when the leaves change colors.

For some reason Jesse took the wagon out of the van after the kids were loaded up. I was quite aggravated to open the hatchback and realize I only had the double umbrella and Ergo. This meant I had to carry my purse, lunchbox, and picnic basket, all while pushing the stroller. I refused to also carry our queen size blanket, which meant the babies had to eat on the ground. It was pretty gross (even for my standards), but they didn't mind.

Jackson ate his lunch lakeside.

After we fed the ducks and geese our bread, we walked around the lake. I noticed this sign for the first time. Eh...I guess the damage was already done.

Though Jesse would not have condoned it, I let the kids play on the rocks. Jackson climbed high while the trio mostly sat there and ate their graham cracker. I'm a firm believer that kids need to explore their surroundings and nature.

We refilled our water bottles and cups, took a restroom break, and played on the playground. In the last few weeks Jackson has really excelled at rock climbing walls. He climbed up and over this one for the first time.

James was very happy collecting and attempting to eat mulch. The girls were so tired they just sat on the sidewalk.

After a few hours of playing hard, all four were fast asleep within minutes of the car ride. I drove the kids to their MiMi and PaPa for a visit and to drop Jackson off for his first backyard camping experience.

Jesse had regained an appetite and strength when we returned home.

And that's how our summer ended.

1 comment:

  1. Last year, our last day of summer was the day we brought Jude home from brain surgery, so yeah, sometimes the end of summer is just not what we want, lol. Three cheers for an extra fabulous first day of the school year to make up for the bummer end!!!
