
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Evolving Belly: Photo Timeline (Updated)

When I review my stats, the Evolving Belly: Photo Timeline post is one of the most popular posts. I am re-posting it, but with the addition of photos from one year postpartum with the triplets.

Here's a progression of photos from the past four years. My skin has expanded and contracted to accommodate multiple pregnancies and four births.

This was what I looked like just before conceiving Jackson.  I had just completed the Country Music Half Marathon, was eating well, and wore a size 8.  

May 2010
Here I am at 40 weeks pregnant with Jackson.  I remember thinking how huge I was and that my body couldn't possibly stretch anymore.  I got my first stretch marks at 30 weeks pregnant.

April 2011
This was taken exactly 4 weeks postpartum from Jackson.  My belly button was a sinkhole and the stretch marks felt like valleys.  My hips had expanded so much I couldn't fit into any of my pre-pregnancy clothes.  I wore size 12.
May 2011
In 2012, I had two miscarriages and a D&C, gained another 15 lbs and a dress size, and went on medication for massive anxiety attacks...all before conceiving triplets.

Next is me at max capacity with over 18 lbs of babies!  My uterus had expanded to 62 cm at over 36 weeks pregnant with triplets.  My skin burned and itched from being so thinly stretched.
July 2013
I took this photo at 10 weeks postpartum.  I had lost 60 of the 70 pounds.  I still had the linea nigra, deep stretch marks, squished belly button, and hanging skin.

September 2013
After losing weight, cutting back wheat and sugar consumption, and completing 10 weeks of T25 workouts, here is my belly exactly one year postpartum. There is still a lot of loose skin and stretch marks. It is also lopsided thanks to ab separation.

July 2014
And just because the conversation came up among my triplet mama's group, here's what my c-section scar looks like one year later. It's pretty faded and hard to see it. (Actually, it's impossible to see unless I lift the unfortunate flap of excess skin. Gross, I know.) It randomly itches, but because it is still numb the itching cannot be relieved.

So, there you have it.  In case you're curious, I would never consider a tummy tuck or any voluntary surgery. It's not like I wore bikinis before I got pregnant, so I certainly don't plan on starting now.

While I don't love the way my stomach looks, it's a very small price to pay for these four.

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are wonderful! The pain and trials are certainly all worth it. Everyone's mileages will definitely vary when it comes to tummy tucks and stuff. It all lies in outlook, and feeling about one's self and the world. All the best to you!

    Glenn Lowe @ Knight and Sanders
