
Sunday, September 28, 2014

My New Sunday

It's been a month since I began leading weekly youth group at my church.  This position was suggested to me by the pastor back in February, and I prayerfully accepted it in August. I absolutely love high school aged kids and enjoyed working as a youth director during college.

The youth decided to meet at 3 p.m. Personally, I'd rather meet later in the evening so my day isn't so choppy, but my weekends are always flexible so I don't mind. Here's my new Sunday routine:

7:30- Wake Up
9:00-Eat pancakes (This has been my Sunday breakfast most of my life!)
9:30-Clean, play with kids, prepare lesson/activity for youth group
10:30-Drive to church (Church service is 11-12:15)
12:30-Drive home from church
12:45-Eat lunch, clean downstairs, play with kids
2:30-Drive to church
3:00-Lead youth group
4:30-Drive home
4:45-Spend time with family, eat dinner
7:00-Put triplet's to bed, watch TV with the big boys
8:00-Jackson goes to bed. I read, blog, etc.

I don't feel like I'm missing out on time with the kids because the babies are napping during church and youth group. Jackson enjoys his Daddy time. I did have to switch my grocery shopping day from Sunday to Saturday because I felt like I was never home.

Random fun facts about our youth group:
-We have a very small youth group with an average attendance of 4-6 incredibly talented and thoughtful teenagers.
-Half of them are members of the Latino ministry.
-One of our goals is to participate in monthly service projects.
-I was one of the teen's 5th grade teacher.
-Our first month is a "road trip" theme. We're learning what rules to follow (love your God, your neighbor, yourself, your enemies), signs from God, and how to reach our ultimate destination.

I look forward to being challenged and inspired in this ministry.

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