
Monday, September 22, 2014

Rec Center: Hidden Gem

Sometimes I feel like the rec center is my little secret. Of course other people know about it, but so few moms take advantage of it. Today we were the only people at open gym. Jackson, being the introvert that he is, was at complete ease.

The gym is a contained area with ample space, games and activities available, nowhere to hide or get hurt, perfect for cold weather or rainy days, and free. It's basically a mother of multiples dream! Today, these four owned the gym.

It's only open for kids under five for an hour and a half each week. After the time ends, we typically play in the large play area. The triplets are too young to climb up the steps or go down the slide, but they have plenty of things to pull up on, crawl around, and climb.

The light just so happened to capture Maddie's silouhette perfectly when she was standing in the tunnel. I love when timing works out like that.

We don't go every Monday, but it's so easy and convenient for me to watch the kids play. Hooray for free fun!

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