
Monday, October 20, 2014

CROP Walk and Other Church Events

I try to downplay the amount of time I spend preparing for youth events, but the truth is it always takes more effort and energy than I anticipate spending. I've had to go in during the week twice now to make bulletin inserts or gather supplies. The good news is that the church nursery is directly beside the youth room, which means the kids can play happily while I work.

Our small but mighty youth group participates in a service project each month. Last month the teens volunteered with the church's school supplies carnival. For October, the youth raised money and awareness about hunger, then participated in the CROP Walk. The youth led a quick skit during announcements, and assembled rice bags with hunger statistics inside.

Yesterday was the actual CROP Walk. We had amazing weather for our walk. 

The youth broke out into part of "Fame" at one point. I love the skyline in the background.

Ironically, after completing the 4 mile walk to raise awareness on hunger, there were several food trucks parked beyond the finish line. Some of the youth bought pizza and t-shirts.

We've continued with weekly devotions in addition to preparing for service projects. It took us the past two months to complete our first study, and we will begin another one this Sunday. 

Apparently, I am getting old. The last time I was a youth director, I was in college. I felt young and knowledgeable with all things relevant to teenagers. Yet I felt I had this great sense of wisdom and accomplishment since I was on the other side of high school. (HA!) Eight years, two degrees, a husband, and four kids later, I am so far removed from teenage lingo and pop culture. I had a crash course yesterday on the latest phrases (i.e. "I ship it" and "OTP").  

I hope God is using me in more ways than sad entertainment for the youth. We've been able to have a few meaningful discussions, but most conversations lack the depth that I anticipate. Either way, we are certainly building community and enjoying one another's company. 

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