
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Formal Wear Photos by the Lake

It was another 80° day. I dressed Amelia and Madeline in semi-formal dresses for no other reason than they will soon outgrow the dresses and they've never worn them before. I took them to a park where the branches created a natural archway. The fall colors were at their peak. Maddie and Amelia actually walked side by side for several feet as I snapped photo after photo. It wasn't until I had loaded them back in the van that I realized I didn't even have the memory card in the camera. I was so irritated at myself.

Desperate to take a few decent pictures while they were still in their dresses, we headed to a scenic park after picking Jackson up from school. I managed to capture a few photos that really portrayed the range of moods and interests for each child.





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