
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Random Updates From the Week

The major events of the week (the girls walking, farm field trip, neurologist appointment, ortho consult, etc) have already been blogged about. This post is for all the miscellaneous, but noteworthy events that occurred this week.

Monday we had the unfortunate pleasure of spending hours at the health department waiting for WIC vouchers. Appointments are every three months. This was an easy one and did not require any weight checks or blood work. Still, it's challenging to keep four kids seated quietly for over an hour. That is not to say that I am not grateful for assistance, but I am allowed to admit the stress of the WIC process. Jackson entertained himself by teaching the babies about various superheroes.

Immediately after our WIC appointment we had a pumpkin playdate with a friend. There were a lot of kids there and triplets were all over the place! I finally just let James sit on the table to paint his pumpkin. 

Monday evening I had the pleasure of attending a thoroughly planned and executed "Minute to Win It" game night with my mommy friends. There were 12 stations with fun, silly games. I am known for being competitive. My team came in second place. We laughed so hard and made way too many inappropriate jokes.

By far the most random occurrence of our week was when I opened my garage and two news anchors appeared in my driveway. This is the second time the kids and I have made the local news. (We appeared on the news last fall when I was interviewed about antibacterial hand soap in the park.) We have been dealing with delays, detours, and heavy construction for over a year now thanks to the building of a major interstate half a mile from our house. They just announced the opening would be delayed by several months. Apparently the local news station sent a crew to interview "frustrated" neighbors about the delay. I was carrying all three babies when the anchor and cameraman got out of their car. They filmed me buckle everyone in their car seats after the interview.

On Friday evening Jackson's MiMi and cousin, Levi, came over for dinner. Jesse's parents decided to have the boys over for a sleepover and day trip to the mountains. My favorite memories with my Granny were going (or attempting to go) to the mountains. It makes me so happy that Jackson can create similar memories with his grandparents. 

Dinner was a hodgepodge of tacos, mini corndogs, and cupcakes. In my mind, company is always an excuse to bake. And few things are more fun than decorating treats with icing and sprinkles. 

Saturday morning we witnessed our first instance of biting. James kept putting his hands in Maddie's face so she bit him. I suspect it won't be the last time.

Saturday afternoon Jesse and I stumbled upon the ultimate food find-a Mexican buffet. It was glorious. Truly, it was the most delicious assortment of Mexican food (and chicken nuggets and french fries). The trio devoured quesadillas, enchiladas, and the mystery desserts. According to the Facebook poll, the consensus is flan and an unnamed fruit/yogurt dessert.

The agenda for today is church, youth group, grocery shopping, Halloween costume creating, and small group. Whew, ready, set, go!

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